Thursday, July 24, 2008

Turkey Tots

Hi Sofie,

A turkey family stopped to visit Auntie Kerrie and Uncle Lars the other day.

The tiny guys are getting very good at walking -- just like you!


Grammy and Grampy

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Hi Sofie,

Two little deer came to visit us today. Grampy took pictures of them from a big window.

Since they still have white baby spots on their backs, they are called fawns.

When I looked at the pictures, I saw something surprising. Deer faces look a little bit like kangaroos!

Did you ever see a kangaroo? (We probably will never see a kangaroo at Pojac.)

A lot of kangaroos live in Australia, on the other side of the world. The mommy kangaroo carries her baby in a pouch protected between mommy's short front legs and her enormous back legs.

Maybe you will see kangaroos someday.

When you do, you will notice that a kangaroo face looks a little bit like a deer face.

Kangaroos have long, furry snouts, bright black eyes, and big ears, something like deer.

But after the neck, they begin to look very different from a deer. Can you see why?

Look at those big back legs on the kangaroo, and the thin little legs on the deer.

Look at the long thick tail on the kangaroo, and the little fluffy tail on the deer.

From the back, kangaroos and deer look completely different, especially when they decide it is time to run away!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Hi, Sofie!

Grampy and Grammy are taking care of a house called Pojac. Isn't that a funny name?

Your Mommy and Daddy visited Pojac before you were born. Can you find Mommy and Daddy in this picture?

Can you find Auntie Kerrie and Uncle Lars?

Can you find Auntie Sonnie?

Can you find Grammy and Grampy?

We see lots of animals at Pojac. So we run for the camera to try to get a picture to send you.

Here is a tiny chipmunk next to his front door. He just woke up.

First he takes a long stretch.

Then he eats his breakfast. He holds nuts and seeds between his tiny paws.

Can you pretend you hold your food in little, tiny paws?

Across the pond, these big birds are looking for breakfast, too.

They are called herons. They catch fish for breakfast.

Can you pretend you walk in the water with long, long legs?

Here is a deer. She is called a doe.

See how thin her legs are? But they are strong enough to carry her big body.

She is listening to the click of the camera. See how big her ears are?

Can you pretend you are listening like a deer?

These two deer are called bucks. They have antlers on their heads that look like tree branches. Aren't they beautiful?!

Can you see their reflection upside down in the water?

This deer just heard the click of the camera.

Can you pretend your head has big antlers on top of it?

This baby otter loves to swim just like Sofie.

Now she is coming out of the water to find her mommy.

Her mommy has gone searching for food on the ground.

Soon the baby otter finds her mommy!

Look at them kiss each other!

Can you kiss mommy and daddy just like the baby otter?

We do not have any lions or tigers at Pojac. But we will keep watching for more animals and other pictures to send you.

Grampy and Grammy