Dear Sofie,
You have a sweet little cousin named Gabriel.

His Mommy and Daddy celebrated their second anniversary yesterday. (We showed you Sonnie Kpangbai and Alvin Johnson's wedding photos from October 2008.)

Gabriel spent quite a while in the hospital when he was born six months ago.

Now he is the healthiest, happiest baby you can imagine.

Right after he arrived, his Mommy graduated with honors from Rhode Island College.

Gabriel has loads of grandparents, aunts and uncles who all take turns holding him. (Grampy thinks he's even better than a football!)

November is a very special month for all of us. Gabriel will see his Daddy for the first time. (His Daddy is working hard to rebuild the country of Liberia, West Africa.)

November will be very special for us, too, because we will get to see you and your Mommy and Daddy. Maybe you will show us all your favorite animals at the zoo.
And maybe you will teach me everything I need to know about football!
Grammy and Grampy