Grampy remembered to bring the camera so we can take you with us to Waterfire. Sonnie and our friend Peaches are going downcity to Providence's summertime celebration, Waterfire!
We got there early and walked along the river. Some people rode in a special boat from Italy called a gondola. The gondolier worked hard! (Somebody said he was singing, too. Wouldn't it be cool if he sang Italian arias?!)
We saw a make-believe statue.
When people put money in her little jar, she suddenly came to life and blew a kiss!
Would you like to pretend you are a statue?
Then we saw the Waterfire boat-people getting ready to light the fires.
But we knew the fire would not come until sunset.
So we had time to eat some yummy food, thanks to our friends in The Brazier Society!
And then the fire came!
Right behind the fire is one of Grampy's favorite buildings. Someday he will show you the beautiful Rhode Island Statehouse, where he worked for eighteen years!
I call this man the fire dancer.
Just like Grampy he has no hair on top! But he does have a long braid. Can you see it? (Grampy wishes he had one of those!)
The fire dancer swings the fire from two long chains, while the woman behind him lights the fires in the river. (We must never try this, because fire is very, very, VERY dangerous!)
All along the rivers, music played from under the bridges and sometimes above us!
We even heard Italian arias!
Children rode on grown-ups' shoulders. Police guided traffic. Everyone remembered to say Please and Thank you.
And here is my favorite picture of all!
Grammy & Grampy
P.S. Here's more about Waterfire Providence: