Time goes so fast at Pojac!
This month we had a visit from friends. How we wished you were here too, Sofie, with your Mommy and Daddy!
Arielle Gill is younger than you. She is sitting on Aunt Sonnie's knee in the photo above. Arielle and her big sister Andrea both have names that begin with A. Can you find the two sisters in this picture?
Andrea is playing a joke on us! Do you know why she looks smaller than Arielle, even though Andrea is older than the other children?
The two brothers in this picture also have names that begin with A. Abraham is wearing a red shirt. (We call him Abie, because his Daddy's name is also Abraham.) Alvin is wearing a green shirt. Can you find them?
Alvin reminds us so much of your Daddy when he was 3 years old. The ways that Alvin stretches his fingers, looks up at us, and leans forward to eat at the same time his feet are walking away to explore is just like your Daddy used to do!

(Your Daddy did not know it then, but his fingers were aching to hold a baseball! When he turned 9 and played Little League, he had the happiest fingers in the world!)
Andrea's fingers were aching to paddle the canoe. Rishwanth took this picture. Click on it, and you can see Andrea reaching for Grammy's paddle.

Guess what? When Andrea got the paddle, she did such a good job! She paddled and paddled and paddled and never seemed to get tired. (Next time we will be sure to take a picture of Andrea paddling the canoe!)
Sonnie and Rishwanth also paddled the canoe.

Can you see their reflections in the water?

Abie's fingers ached to hold the camera.

If he did not get it quite right the first time, he did not give up!

Did you know that Pojac has its own desert in the middle of the forest? It is prehistoric sand left by the retreating glaciers of the Ice Age. This area with the little desert is called the pine barren. It is very unusual.

Even though there are no more dinosaurs, we decided to search for footprints.

Now we know for sure that there are no dinosaurs at Pojac! (We were a little disappointed about that, but we were also a little relieved!)

Now we can tell Arielle and Aunt Sonnie the truth about dinosaurs at Pojac. They only live in picture books!

We did find someone by the pond, much tinier than a dinosaur. She is so small, she can fit into Grammy's hand. Do you know what she is? She is a little toad.

A bigger one said hello to Grampy and Abie.

We put them safely in the grass near the water, and they hopped away!
Rishwanth took this picture and the next ones, too. He has a fancy camera lens called a "fish eye" that makes pictures look close in the middle and far away on the sides, like this:

Grampy thought all week about what food he would fix for this special meal. Yummy! Cooking is one of his favorite hobbies.

That's good! If he had not learned how to cook, your Daddy, Uncle Lars, Grammy and Grampy would have been very hungry! Every family needs someone who loves to cook!
Grampy and Grammy each made a mistake!
Did you know that making mistakes can be a good thing? When we make a mistake, we can learn a new lesson. That's called our NEXT TIME lesson.
Grampy's mistake was this: he forgot that he hurt his shoulder eight years ago when he fell off a ladder. Last winter he was shoveling snow, and he fell again! Same shoulder! Ouch!
He was having such a good time with our friends, that he forgot all about his shoulder when he paddled the canoe. Now his shoulder hurts again.

Grampy is almost 67 years old, and he has never been to a sports therapist. (Your Daddy knows sports therapists very well. Maybe your Mommy does, too.)
So Grampy is learning a new thing. He has ice on his shoulder, and he will go to a sports therapist next week. He will take very good care of his shoulder NEXT TIME!
Grammy also made a mistake. She meant to remind everyone to check all over their bodies to be sure some little deer ticks had not taken a ride home on them. She forgot to remind them! Grammy will be more careful to remind everyone about deer ticks NEXT TIME.

And someday (next time) maybe we all will get to see Mommy, Daddy, and you, dear Sofie!
Grammy & Grampy